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General Questions

Resolv’d is equipped to handle a diverse range of dispute scenarios. Our specialized services encompass Family Law Mediation, where we help resolve issues related to divorce or custody; Civil Mediation, which addresses disputes between individuals or businesses; and Estate Mediation, focusing on conflicts arising from wills and inheritance. Moreover, we provide Arbitration services for more formal dispute resolution needs and deliver comprehensive Workplace Investigation Services to ensure a fair and thorough examination of workplace issues.

We understand that every dispute is as unique as the individuals involved, and as such, our fees are tailored to the complexities and specificity of each case. To ensure transparency and provide you with an accurate cost estimate, we initiate our process with a personalized consultation session. This allows us to grasp the nature and intricacies of the situation at hand, enabling us to provide you with a custom quote that reflects the tailored services you require.

At Resolv’d, we offer our expert dispute resolution services to individuals and businesses in Barrie and the surrounding regions. We take pride in being easily accessible, ensuring that clients from different localities receive the same top-notch mediation and arbitration expertise that Resolv’d is known for. Whether you’re right in the heart of Barrie or in one of the neighbouring communities, our team of experienced professionals is here to assist you with all your dispute resolution needs.


The duration of the mediation process can vary depending on the complexity of the issues and the parties’ willingness to reach a resolution. Typically, a mediation session can last anywhere from a few hours to a full day. However, some disputes may require multiple sessions over a few weeks to achieve a satisfactory outcome. Rest assured that our experienced mediators at Resolv’d strive to make the process as efficient as possible, guiding all parties toward a mutually agreeable solution in a timely manner.

Mediation agreements reached at Resolv’d are treated with the same respect and adherence as legal contracts. Once both parties consent to the terms and the agreement is formalized in written form, it becomes legally binding.

A mediator serves as a neutral third party whose primary goal is to facilitate open and effective communication between disputing parties. It is the mediator’s responsibility to ensure that the conversation remains constructive and that all parties have an opportunity to voice their concerns and interests.

Rather than making decisions for the parties involved, a mediator assists them in exploring possible solutions and works towards achieving a mutually satisfactory agreement. The mediator’s role is pivotal in managing the dynamics of the negotiation, defusing tensions, and helping all individuals involved to find common ground.

Preparing for a mediation session involves gathering relevant documents and information pertinent to your dispute, reflecting on your objectives and what outcomes you are willing to consider, and coming with an open mind ready for compromise. It can be helpful to write down key points you wish to discuss or questions for the mediator. A level-headed approach and preparation will significantly contribute to the effectiveness of the session and the potential for a successful resolution.

Mediation offers several advantages compared to traditional courtroom litigation. One of the biggest benefits is the control it gives to the disputing parties. Instead of having a judge impose solutions, mediation allows for mutually crafted and agreed-upon resolutions. This collaborative approach often leads to more amicable settlements and helps preserve relationships by fostering compromise and understanding.

Additionally, mediation is usually a more cost-effective and efficient process than court proceedings, which can be lengthy and expensive. Another advantage is the privacy it offers. Unlike court cases, mediation sessions are confidential, allowing for a more open dialogue between parties and encouraging honest exchanges of views and potential solutions.

Overall, mediation provides a human-centred and effective way to resolve disputes, emphasizing cooperation and preserving relationships.

Family Law Mediation

Family law mediation is a confidential process that assists couples and families in resolving disputes amicably outside of court. During these sessions, a trained mediator provides guidance through discussions on matters such as divorce, child custody, spousal support, and property division.

The mediator’s role is to facilitate negotiations in a neutral manner, helping parties to communicate effectively and reach a fair agreement that respects the interests of all involved. Unlike the adversarial nature of courtroom litigation, family law mediation prioritizes a collaborative approach, working toward outcomes that are agreeable and sustainable for the family’s future.

Family law mediation becomes necessary when parties seek to dissolve their marriage or partnership and must agree on sensitive issues such as child custody, division of assets, and alimony. It is particularly beneficial for couples who are willing to work collaboratively but need assistance to reach a consensus on the finer points of their separation.

Mediation is also valuable when the parties desire to maintain a cooperative relationship post-separation, especially when children are involved. It offers a more peaceful, private, and personalized path to resolution compared to the public and often confrontational environment of a courtroom.

Civil Mediation

Civil mediation is a voluntary alternative dispute resolution method where a neutral third party, the mediator, assists those in conflict to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. It encompasses a wide range of non-criminal disputes, including business, employment, property, and consumer conflicts. The process is designed to be flexible, confidential, and focused on the needs and interests of the participants. Civil mediation aims to avoid the expense, stress, and uncertainty associated with court battles while providing a space for creative solutions and swift settlements that are acceptable to all parties involved.

Civil mediation is used in a multitude of dispute types, including but not limited to conflicts between landlords and tenants, disputes between consumers and businesses, disagreements arising from contractual issues, and disputes between neighbours. Also, it is frequently used in personal injury claims, insurance disputes, and in resolving employment grievances such as wrongful termination or discrimination cases. Essentially, civil mediation serves as an effective tool for resolving a wide variety of non-criminal conflicts, offering a path to a mutually satisfactory resolution without the need for litigation.

The cost of civil mediation is typically split between the disputing parties. This arrangement is often seen as part of the collaborative nature of the process, with each party demonstrating their commitment to finding a resolution by investing in the mediation service. However, payment structures can vary depending on the case. In some instances, one party may agree to cover all costs, or the court may order for costs to be divided in a particular manner. Prior to beginning mediation, all parties should understand and agree to the terms of payment to ensure a clear, equitable financial arrangement.

Estate Mediation

Estate mediation is a process designed to help families and beneficiaries resolve conflicts related to the distribution of a deceased person’s assets in a way that minimizes stress and contention. When a will is contested, or when no clear directives have been left, emotions and tensions can run high; estate mediation offers a neutral space where all parties can express their views and work together to find equitable solutions. By focusing on communication and understanding, a trained mediator can guide the disputing parties toward agreements that honour the decedent’s wishes and uphold familial bonds, making the transition smoother for everyone involved.

Estate mediation becomes necessary in situations where there is a dispute among the heirs or beneficiaries regarding the allocation of the decedent’s assets, interpretation of estate documents, or issues arising from the perceived fairness of the last will and testament. It is also employed when conflicts arise during the probate process, such as disagreements over the valuation of assets, challenges to the executor’s actions, or potential breaches of fiduciary duty. By engaging in estate mediation, families can address these sensitive issues in a constructive manner, seeking to mitigate discord and reach resolutions that reflect the interests and concerns of all parties involved.


Arbitration is a process in which an arbitrator, a neutral third party, makes a decision about a dispute between two or more parties. It is commonly used as a substitute for court litigation and is known for being a less formal and potentially quicker means to resolve conflicts, especially in commercial matters. During arbitration, all parties present evidence and arguments to the arbitrator, who then renders a decision that is typically binding. This method is often chosen for its confidentiality and ability to provide a definitive resolution that is enforceable in a similar manner to a court judgment.

If you are grappling with a business disagreement or contractual issue and seeking a resolution that is both less time-consuming and more private than traditional courtroom procedures, arbitration might be the right choice for you. It is particularly well-suited for complex disputes that require legal expertise and technical knowledge, such as construction disputes, intellectual property disagreements, or multi-party commercial conflicts.

Additionally, if confidentiality is a concern or if the parties involved wish to avoid the public exposure of their dispute, arbitration may provide a more discreet alternative for settling their issues. Overall, arbitration offers a flexible and efficient means of resolving conflicts outside of court that may be

One of the major advantages of arbitration is its efficiency; the process is generally faster than courtroom litigation due to streamlined procedures and the ability to bypass lengthy court dockets. Additionally, the binding nature of arbitration ensures that the decisions are final and enforceable, providing certainty to all parties. The privacy afforded by arbitration is also a significant benefit, as it keeps sensitive business matters and disputes out of the public eye.

Workplace Disputes

Workplace disputes are as varied as the workplaces themselves but often revolve around issues like unfair dismissals, discrimination, harassment, and conflicts over wages or employee benefits. Resolvd specializes in addressing these conflicts through a constructive dialogue designed to understand the underlying issues and reach an amicable solution that respects the rights and needs of all involved. By fostering open communication and mutual understanding, our approach helps to reduce tensions and potential legal action, promoting a more positive and harmonious workplace for all parties.

The resolution of a workplace dispute typically begins with the identification of the issues at hand, followed by the selection of an appropriate mediator or arbitrator who is experienced in employment matters. Both parties have the opportunity to present their perspectives and evidence in a confidential setting.

The neutral facilitator then works to help the parties understand each other’s positions and guides them towards mutually agreed upon solutions. The ultimate goal is to achieve a resolution that is acceptable to all parties, restores a positive work environment, and establishes clear future guidelines to prevent similar disputes. This process is collaborative and empowers employees and employers to have an active role in shaping the outcome.

A workplace investigation is a thorough and systematic inquiry to unravel facts surrounding allegations of misconduct within an organization. This investigation is critical to addressing claims of inappropriate behaviour, policy violations, or legal infractions. The process typically involves interviews with involved parties, a review of relevant documents, and, if necessary, consultation with legal or human resources experts. The findings from the investigation will form the basis of whatever steps are subsequently taken, whether it be disciplinary action, training, or other measures to address and rectify the issues unearthed.

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